Hey babes! here I am sharing 5 easy stylish tricks, and things you can do to look stylish on a budget that I can't wait to share with you. You always dress well on a budget by incorporating these suggestions. I'm going to share shopping hacks, how to mix and match.

 It's necessary to own some versatile accessories and clothing items that you can style and pair up with different things with the right tricks.

Let's get started ❤

1. Hair and makeup 

Hair and makeup can completely change your outfit from Rs100 to Rs1000, you usually keep hair straight, try curling them, try making buns and their so many options like frizzy buns, frizzy buns is always trendy and it always make you look classy.

How to look stylish on a budget

For makeup always try to keep it minimal even if you just use a BB cream and add a liner a lipstick and you are done. 

2. Accessories 

Hooks earring are really trending nowadays, you can wear it everyday and everywhere for Rs 50 to Rs 500, and it makes your outfit chic and vintage and what not also you can wear  choker and sunglasses they are also  really trendy nowadays, especially silver choker with vintage sunglasses and you look damn classy.

3 .  Self Confidence 

Self confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it, wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, know yourself,  flaunt the body part make you feel confident .

4. Online shopping 

So, online shopping is key guys, shop on sales, grap that opportunity and get amazing trendy things. Always remember, that while shopping online images are your decision makers. Don't just look at one tiny image on the screen and make a hasty decision.

5. Street shopping 

Whenever you going for shop, keep in your mind that you want that one particular thing because when you go with a vague mindset you don't get anything, so whenever you go for shopping remember that. 

These are my tips and tricks for how to look stylish on a budget, I hope you guys found them helpful. ♥ 

Here is some choker that I love ❤

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